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Tegan Marlow: Jeans and a Nice Top x


Tegan Marlow: Jeans and a Nice Top x

The Three Sisters

139 Cowgate
Maggie's Front Room : AUG 20-27 at 16:00 (45 min) - Free & Unticketed

Tegan Marlow: Jeans and a Nice Top x

Tegan Marlow brings her campy, "hun" style of comedy to Edinburgh in this work-in-progress show. In a world that is very preoccupied with how we're perceived, Tegan reminds us that sometimes it's OK to just be unapologetically cringe, babes. The vibe? Think Oscar Wilde, if he read Take a Break magazine - profound* thoughts for our modern era, but mixed with a shot of Prosecco x

*levels of profundity are obvs subjective.

"Absolutely brilliant" - Tim Vine

"Very likeable... consistent with delivery funny anecdotes" - The Stand Comedy Club

"Her performance skills are spot on" - Notts Comedy Review

This year we have two entry methods: Free & Unticketed or Pay What You Can
Free & Unticketed: Entry to a show is first-come, first served at the venue - just turn up and then donate to the show in the collection at the end.
Pay What You Can: For these shows you can book a ticket to guarantee entry and choose your price from the Fringe Box Office, up to 30 mins before a show. After that all remaining space is free at the venue on a first-come, first-served bases. Donations for walk-ins at the end of the show.